How to walk with your dog and have fun with it

Sometimes fulfilling the most basic personal chores becomes a titanic task for the simple fact of not being motivated enough to achieve them. Everyday things like walking our dog should not be a negative time of routine day but an opportunity to release the tension of our day to day and have a lot of fun. Today we will give you some tips to achieve it:

Go somewhere that brings you closer to nature, like a park or the zoo, especially if your dog spends most of his time indoors. Trees and grass will make you and your pet enjoy the ride changing your usual environment. Also, these places are incredible to play fetch or any other game your dog enjoys. Remember animals (no matter if domestic) needs to stretch their legs and have some fresh air, just like you!

Take a different route every day. This will keep your dog stay interested in you and the walk, and will make the walks an adventure for both of you. Not having the same walk every day will also help you concentrate your mind on planning your daily route, putting an extra effort will help you be present and have fun during your walks.

Set a goal for each walk, such as taking a picture of your pet in a special place or going to a place to fulfill another task (buy groceries or exercise). You can make it as fun as you want and include the walk before or after your main task: take your dog to a play date, ride your bike with your dog, let it plash in puddles after it rains (an activity that will make you think in a bath that can be fun as well), take it to dog friendly places like restaurants and stores or even take it to your office (if it is allowed, of course).

Ask someone to accompany you to walk your dog, so you share quality time with both of them and use commitment as a reason not to postpone the walk. Your pet is another member of the family, so it is only logic to include it in your family activities as well. Make the walks a part of some dates with your significant other (if you don’t have one, your dog can be a great wingman) or as a part of your outings with your children: your dog and you will have a blast!

Talk to other people who walk their dogs as well as you, you will make human and dog friends with whom to share the walks of your pet. Not being able to talk with your dog can make it a bit awkward for you, a problem you can solve having a conversation with other people (especially dog owners) to pass the time.

Use your dog’s walks as an emergency pump service for you and your pet, they’ll help you calibrate your energies and strengthen your relationship with your dog. Both of you deserve it!